cuts like a buffalo living walnut milk


walnuts are a powerhouse of omega 3 fatty acids and in comparison, contain more omega 3’s than any other nut. the wealth of fatty acids support proper brain function and essentially boost brain power to help foster and create clear thought patterns. b vitamins, vitamin e and substantial amounts of melatonin have also been found in walnuts. melatonin is a naturally occurring hormone produced by the pineal gland and it is responsible for inducing and regulating a restful nights sleep. in search of improving your z time? get to making a batch of living walnut milk pronto.

this may look like a simple nut milk but watch out, it will cut like a buffalo. blend it up. drink it up. then buckle yourself up for an adventure!

cuts like a buffalo living walnut milk

3 cups water

1 cup walnuts, soaked 6-8 hours and rinsed well

3 tablespoons coconut butter

1 tablespoon active manuka honey, coconut nectar or dates

1/4 inch fresh vanilla bean

pinch of sea salt

1. place all ingredients in the blender and blend well.

2. strain with a nut milk bag or cheesecloth. makes about 1 quart. reserve walnut milk in a glass jar and keep in the refrigerator up to one week.




4 Responses to “cuts like a buffalo living walnut milk”


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  1. […] cuts like a buffalo living walnut milk gets winterized this season with warming ground spices. both cinnamon and nutmeg help destroy cold in the body and at the same time, will stimulate circulation. in an aryuvedic sense, nutmeg will pacify the vatta dosha while it increases the pitta. ground nutmeg is also a natural sleep remedy and is often served in warm milk prior to bed. serve it warm or serve it cold, either way, you will be humming goodnight irene deep into your winters slumber. […]

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  4. […] my nut and seed milk recipes such as: instant almond butter milk, winterized walnut milk or plain walnut milk, superfood frenzy hemp milk, sweet and creamy almond milk or instant chocolate almond […]

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