kitchen tools to help you inphyuse


in most recipes i do my best to keep things simple but some special tools will help you add creativity to your cuisine as you start to set yourself busy in the kitchen.

  • high speed blender: hands down the tool i use the most. i use and base my recipes on the vita-mix. prior to being gifted my vita-mix from a dear friend, i found adding additional liquid than what the recipes called for helped in most cases, however save your pennies because the vita-mix is top notch and i use mine over and over every single day.
  • citrus reamer: i use a hand held wooden citrus reamer or this citrus reamer nearly every day. both very inexpensive and so beneficial.
  • food processor: rather unavoidable, totally effective and a tool that will win your heart while it rocks your ability to slice, grate, chop and puree with little to no liquid at all.
  • julienne peeler: another fantastic gift given by a truly inspiring foodie, i am no longer able to remember what life was like before this came into my possession.
  • dehydrator: turns the ordinary into extraordinary helping you ‘uncook’ crackers, chips & sweet treats with ease.
  • food grater: simple, inexpensive and something i find myself reaching for quite often.
  • meat cleaver: yes, i’m nearly vegan and i have a meat cleaver in my kitchen. it works wonders with cracking coconuts!
  • nut milk bag: captures the pulp as it strains the milk from various nuts & seeds.
  • bamboo or wood cutting boards: i crush on a great board.
  • a really great attitude!