my coco cilantro green smoothie
sugar, sugar or honey, honey? sugar and sugar alternatives are all the rage. it’s no secret too much sugar does not do a body good. everyone and their sister would like to knock it out of their diet in every which way, shape and form. however, many struggle before ultimately giving up. been there. done that. and it was a miserable experience. for health purposes there was a period of time i quit consuming sugar in every form. including fruit.... Read More
turmeric-inphyused dairy-free mylk latte
the turmeric-inphyused mylk latte is a dairy-free drink that supports your body’s defense against disease. with a creamy nut or seed milk base, a dash of ground black pepper and the sweetness of raw unpasteurized honey or maple syrup this immune boosting tonic will be your go-to. turmeric boasts a distinct yellow color and a warm, peppery, slightly bitter flavor. it is loaded with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties plus it’s... Read More
strawberry coconut green smoothie
strawberry coconut green smoothie is a quickie like most smoothies are. that’s the bonus of the smoothie right? this one can be tweaked to the sweetness of your liking. if you are newer to the revolution add more strawberries and pineapple as a sweetener. you could also add a couple dates, honey or a few drops of stevia. on the other hand, if you have been doing the green smoothie thing for quite some time, challenge yourself to go heavy with... Read More
let’s get this out of the way, i’m really into the coconut. i’m into the coconut itself, as well as, the coconut waters, the coconut meat, the shredded coconut, the coconut oil, the coconut butter and the funny thing is that the coconut is not even a true nut but a drupe. that places it into the same family as the peach, the plum, the nectarine, the mango and even the almond. this RAWcipe calls for the coconut’s water which... Read More