sea of leafy greens with kelp noodles
sea of leafy greens with wheat and gluten free kelp noodles is a recipe based on simplicity with the added nutritional benefit and texture of kelp noodles. kelp noodles are made from an all natural, raw kelp sea vegetable that is stripped of its outer skin, leaving the thin, clear unprocessed, interior you see. sea vegetables are unique in their mineral content and historically, fewer instances of obesity, diabetes, and other degenerative diseases have been recorded in cultures that have traditionally eaten a diet based on seaweed. they are high in nutrients and low in calories while they are also a great source of soluble fiber. soluble fiber slows down the rate at which foods are digested and absorbed into the bloodstream, therefore, slowing down transit time in the stomach, helping to keep you fuller, longer. toss it together and enjoy sea of leafy greens with kelp noodles for your lunch or dinner.
sea of green with kelp noodles
1 package of kelp noodles, rinsed and chopped
large handfuls of your favorite chopped greens-spinach, arugula, kale, parsley, basil, watercress, micro greens etc.
1-2 tablespoons cold pressed extra virgin olive oil
sea salt to taste
mix all ingredients in a bowl. serves two.
where can I purchase Kelp noodles in Ontario Canada please
hi judie, i would check your local health food store first, but i’ve also seen them carried on amazon. thanks!