superfood soft serve ice cream


superfood soft serve is a thick and creamy, dairy free ice cream that will cool off even the hottest summer afternoon. very simple, super tasty and quite elusive when it comes to being photographed. mostly because i keep eating it! grab your blender, invite your friends over and walk fearlessly into the dog days of summer.

superfood soft serve

1 cup water

1/2 cup cashew butter

1/4 cup coconut butter or coconut manna

3 tablespoons active manuka honey or sweetener of choice

1. place everything in your blender and blend well. pour into a bowl and freeze around 2.5-3 hours. then, take it out of the freezer 10-15 minutes before you plan to eat, scooping what you need. no ice cream maker is needed!



11 Responses to “superfood soft serve ice cream”
  1. J.J. says:

    Is manna a store bought product, or home made? So many forms of coconut – the other day I got coconut aminos! Not sure how to use it. Oil, Butter, aminos . . . . manna. ?

    • Jessica says:

      hi j.j.-there are many coconut products and they can definitely get can get confusing! manna is a store bought product and is not 100% raw but is in the coconut butter family. coconut butter is a raw product and it can be used in this recipe as well if you wish. there’s a difference in the way they’re processed. thanks for asking!

  2. Cashews and coconut into an ice cream!!! sign me up 🙂

  3. Margaret says:

    This looks like a really good alternative to ice cream. I am dairy free and am always looking for good ice cream alternatives. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Kelley Hays says:

    Okay, this sounds great! I haven’t tried a healthy ice cream yet besides banana ice cream. I also haven’t used coconut butter or coconut manna before. We will have to try this 🙂


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  1. […] returned to boulder following family time in wisconsin and while i was visiting we made tons of superfood soft serve ice cream. dairy-free in wisconsin is a big deal and this was a big hit. my favorite was with grilled […]

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