raw living cuisine and superfoods: what they are and where to begin


while in search of my own radically brilliant health, i’ve come to have a not-too-secret love affair with raw living cuisine and superfoods. raw living cuisine is food that has been cooked to a temperature of less than 115 degrees and consists of consuming uncooked, unprocessed, mostly organic fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, and superfoods are foods that have a dozen or more unique nutritional qualities allowing them to serve as both food and medicine. they each have a cumulative effect on the body so when eaten over a long and sustained period of time, they heal the body from within and essentially respond in building, strengthening and supporting the immune system. when the two are inphyused the experience is as dynamic as it is electric!

1.14 When practice is done for a long time, without a break, and with sincere devotion, then the practice becomes a firmly rooted, stable and solid in foundation.
(sah tu dirgha kala nairantaira satkara asevitah dridha bhumih) ~the yoga sutras of patanjali

have you ever finished your favorite yoga class, run or workout of choice and noticed the wildly fresh, exceptionally vibrant and alive sensation that you experience and have you wondered if that was a feeling that you could create, as well as, foster and sustain in order to link the moments of your entire day together seamlessly? when we choose to supply our bodies and its many systems with nourishment and food that is as alive as the tissues it is supplying, then it becomes possible to promote long lasting health throughout the entire body. so make it your desire to achieve an exceptional level of vibrancy and to experience an abundance of energy in order to tackle each and every day with raging excitement. choose to  commit yourself over the next few weeks to explore the foods that you nourish yourself with and the direct result those chosen foods have on the way you feel, the amount of energy you begin to experience and your ability to be a co-creative partner in the promotion of your own health. prepare yourself to explore powerful foods that will super charge you as you become acquainted with a new set of skills to encourage your optimal well-nourished self to literally shine out!

where to begin
begin by turning your awareness towards the foods you consume. as you observe yourself, note your cravings, your mood, the time of day, look for patterns and repeat performances, notice what enhances and elevates your experience and notice what causes you to feel less than sparkly fresh or a little lethargic. be easy on yourself as we begin with the observation, from there we create a springboard to accelerate your health and well being. invite yourself to abandon old habits in order to provide space for more growth and freedom. eat well to feel well in order to be well.
continue on with your observations and even allow them to enhance the choices you make in the coming weeks. furnish your inner body with the foods that you find fuel your energy, pick up your mood and provide you with more clarity and alertness. choose to neglect the foods that deplete your motivation, slow you down and give you an overall food induced hangover. food that is fun to eat heals you, so make every meal an adventure! if my theory holds true, i believe, that you will find yourself eating more foods that are less processed, craving them in their natural state and maybe even fixing a sugar need with a piece of fruit! eating foods that are more alive activates enzymes that conduct and direct every activity your body performs leading to improved digestion, assimilation, as well as, elimination.
it is becoming clearer that to achieve the best health ever, we must consume superfoods, superherbs and raw living cuisine. in doing so, we will find that our desires for less healthy foods will fall away naturally because we no longer find them enjoyable. ~david wolfe
beware increasing your intake of health boosting foods may supply more inspiration to your creativity, to your career and to your already amazing self! there is a chance it will promote more effective and fulfilling sleep patterns, nurturing your brain and repairing the body while starving off the common cold and illness. this may also improve your mood, strengthen your relationships and overall dramatically enhance your quality of life.
as your body is becoming  more energized, awareness is heightened, consciousness becomes focused and you begin to think and act more clearly. this avails your ability to innovate new solutions, attend to new patterns and habits in your life, while you continue to abandon that which does not serve you. now that you are experiencing the side effects of eating foods that are more alive, it becomes your mission to nourish yourself more efficiently through a more powerful means.
superfoods are a group of foods that are ultra powerful and densely packed with abundant nutrition which makes them the quickest, most effective expression of self-nourishment you can submit to your wellbeing. as stated before, superfoods are foods known to contain a dozen or more unique health enhancing properties which nourish the brain, bones, muscles, skin, hair, nails, heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, reproductive system, pancreas, as well as, the immune system. they help your body heal imbalances while providing the nutrients required to remain the healthy, actively participating, lover of life that you cherish being!
herein lies the next step, draw on the process you’ve already begun and add to that, at least, one superfood, at least once a day. not sure where to start? it could be as easy as grabbing fresh blueberries while at the grocery store and providing yourself one serving a day. it could be more involved, such as, finding a fresh young thai coconut and walking towards it with a meat cleaver to discover its gold! stop by your local health food store and begin with easy additions such as, hempseeds, honey, goji berries, cacao and coconut oil, coconut butter or even coconut water. each can be eaten alone and they can easily fall into a smoothie to amplify its quality, much like a favorite asana can shift the course of an afternoon. get creative, embark upon something new, eating well is the best form of self-love and it invokes your awesomeness, so dig in and fear not the superfood!
at this point, you have found that when you engage better choices and provide more alive, unprocessed, superfood filled top-notch high-quality nutrition to the body, that it performs and sustains itself as you comfortably step into the flow of greater vibrancy through greater health on every level. the raw living cuisine inphyused with the superfood boost you have begun eating deliver a punch that takes life as you know it to an all-time high and once risen, the body feverishly seeks more to nurse its own comfort and to supply its ever increasing desire to promote health and boost its own wellbing!
raw living cuisine and superfoods have the power to fuel the body, feed the mind and supercharge the soul as they inphyuse the mindfulness of an asana practice to the experiences in the kitchen while uncooking. so buckle up, enjoy the ride and be willing to have some fun!


2 Responses to “raw living cuisine and superfoods: what they are and where to begin”
  1. Jena says:

    Your site is so amazing and inspiring. There are so many things I want to change in my diet but I’m a little overwhelmed in where to start.
    Are you a full raw foodie? I really want to be a vegan/raw foodie, I know my body would feel so much better and I truly believe it would help eliminate my health problems. But my husband is a meat and potatoes type of guy (and unfortunately does not support eating organic foods or being a vegetarian/vegan/raw foodie). I’m also on a pretty tight budget for groceries…Is there a way to be a healthy vegan/raw foodie while staying on a strict budget? I know eating this way can get expensive….
    For me I was thinking about starting out slow with a two week juice cleanse. Do you have any recipes you recommend? I was told that in order to receive all the vitamins in juice you need to drink it right away after you make it. I work full time so I would have to make my juice in the morning before work. Its okay for juice to still for 5 or so hours before you drink it? Also do you know of any raw or vegan cookbooks that you can recommend as well?
    Sorry to bombard you with all theses questions but I would really appreciate the help!

    Thank you!

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